“Your Reputation Signature: What It Is, Why It Matters and How to Protect, Restore and Reconstruct It”

We don't often think about our signature but it represents who we are in writing. Your reputation signature represents you too. It consists of how you think and therefore communicate and conduct your interactions with other people. The question is, how is your thinking, beliefs, attitudes and impulses and behavior impacting people? Are you being experienced, perceived and judged well? How do you know? What if you're not

Your reputation signature is important. At its best, it creates and protects relationships and opportunities. It carries you through. At its worst, it causes a list of problems. This short ebook of brief chapters, concluded with quotes, intends to inspire thought, introspection and self learning.

The purpose of the book is to provide insight, guidance and point you the reader in a direction of self discovery and practical ideas and steps to further build, protect, restore and if necessary, begin reconstructing it for healthy and beneficial personal and professional relationships. I hope it proves interesting, practical and beneficial.

There is more wisdom in this book than just that of the author. Wisdom also comes from bright, astute minds who share ideas that could open your mind wider and serve you well in your human interactions.

Once on Amazon. Now available for purchase, directly from me, upon request.

“On Apology, What We Can Learn and Do Better”

What don't we really know and understand about apology that would be useful, helpful and valuable? What can we start doing -- and stop doing -- to improve human interactions, trust, credibility and reputation -- for improved and strong relationships -- professional, personal and with strangers. How can we successfully navigate through other people's hurt, pain and anger to more positive, accurate interpretations of how they see and experience us?

On Apology, What We Can Learn and Do Better is a short ebook designed to be informative, educational and thought provoking to stimulate introspection and slight adjustments for effective personal and professional development. Learn to become more skillful in disputes, conflict and crisis, as it relates to quality apology and showing people a better side of ourselves.

Once on Amazon. Now available for purchase, directly from me, upon request.